BHER uses RefWorks to organize research materials that may be of interest to those scholars and practitioners working in the area of borderless education for refugees.

RefWorks is an online data management system. It provides a framework to collect and share information, such as citations and bibliographies. It contains information about academic papers, research and conference reports, and other relevant materials. RefWorks is a list of citations only. Many are available in journals and books but this database does not link to the document itself. Citations may be available from your local or university library or via Google Scholar.

The RefWorks – Borderless Higher Education for Refugees collection of resources covers interrelated areas that reflect the scope of the BHER project. There are citations that broadly explore i) higher education for refugees, displaced and marginalized populations, ii) information and communication technology (ICT) initiatives, iii) north/south partnerships, iv) blended modes of learning (including distance education, ‘open learning’ and education of technology), v) research on the Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps in Kenya, and vi) on refugees and education on the Thai-Burma border.

We are actively building this collection. We welcome your suggestions. Please email with additional resources that should be included.


1. You can export the list to a bibliography or add them to your own RefWorks account (by using the export function).

2. When you select “Full View” from the “Change View” drop-down menu, it is possible to search by the descriptors describing a citation’s content or by any of the hyperlinked items (e.g. Author and Journal).

RefWorks RefShare Diagram
RefWorks RefShare Diagram