Conference Proceedings

  • Sork, Thomas J. & Boškić, Natasha. (2017). Technology, terrorism and teacher education: Lessons from the delivery of higher education to Somali refugee teachers in Dadaab, Kenya. Proceedings of the 11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2017) (pp. 64-68). March 6-8, 2017, Valencia, Spain, ISBN: 978-84-617-8491-2/doi: 10.21125/inted.2017 (UBC)


Conference/Symposium Presentations

  • Panel presentations on the BHER project at the Comparative and International Education Society conference, Vancouver, BC, March 7, 2016.
  • Abdi, Farhia & Porthier, Melanie. (2016). On the ground and through the screen: Co-teaching a blended course for refugee teachers in Dadaab, Kenya. (York University)
  • Dahya, Negan, Dryden-Peterson, Sarah & Spiro, Emma. (2016). Social media and social networks in refugee education: Tracing digital pathways to higher education. (U. of Washington; Harvard University)
  • Dippo, Don. (2016). What’s going on in the forum? Bridging the campus and the campus. (York University)
  • Dryden-Peterson, Sarah & Dayha, Negin. (2016). Pathways to educational success among refugees: Connecting local and global resources in the Dabaab camps of Kenya. (U. of Washington; Harvard University)
  • Nashon, Samson, Nicol, Cynthia & Meyer, Karen. (2016). Dialogue circles and math markets: Challenges and possibilities of teaching in Dadaab. (UBC)
  • Orgocka, Aida. (2016). Evaluating development initiatives in humanitarian contexts: Prescribed frameworks as contested realities. (York)
  • Sork, Thomas J. (2016). Planning frameworks and their limitations in transnational collaborations: The case of the BHER project. (UBC)
  • Giles, Wenona and Aida Orgocka. Presentation at Canadian Committee for Refugees Fall Consultation. Higher Education for refugees as a complementary pathway to durable solutions.December 2nd, 2017. Niagara Falls, Ontario.
  • Giles, Wenona and Aida Orgocka. Presentation to the Centre for Refugee Summer School. “Knowledge Networked to Knowledge Engaged: The Borderless Higher Education for Refugees (BHER) Project”. May 20th, 2017.
  • Giles, Wenona. Organizer of two panels (8 papers, one sole authored paper by me). Panel Titles: 1) Inside the Borderless Higher Education for Refugees (BHER) Practice; 2) The Borderless Higher Education for Refugees (BHER) Project in the World. Comparative and International Education Society Conference, Vancouver, March, 2016. My paper: Whose insecurity? Impacts of the emergency excuse on access to higher education in Dadaab. Vancouver. March, 2016.
  • Giles, Wenona. Discussant for Keynote Address by Jamil Salmi on Global Tertiary Education. Ismaili Centre Conversation. April 12, 2016. Ismaili Centre Toronto.
  • Giles, Wenona. Presentation on the BHER Project at Panel: Refugee Education: Creating Opportunities in the Midst of Disruption. Debates Room, Hart House. April 4, 2016.
  • Giles, Wenona. Presentation: Whose insecurity? Impacts of the emergency excuse on access to higher education: Dadaab. Innovations in Forced Migration (Studies). Final Conference of the Refugee Research Network.  June 15-16, 2015, Glendon Campus, York University.
  • Giles, Wenona. Keynote speaker for UNHCR, University of Toronto Law School, and International Human Rights Program. Presentation on the Borderless Higher Education for Refugees Project. UNHCR’s Film Screening for the 16 Days of Activism. Jackman Building, University of Toronto. November 28, 2016.
  • Giles, Wenona and Don Dippo. Presentation: Higher Education as a Challenge to Precarity in Refugee Camps: the Borderless Higher Education Project in the Dadaab Camps, Kenya on Panel: Access to Education for Displaced Populations in the Global South. Centre for Refugee Studies Seminar Series, Mar 3, 2013.
  • Abdi, Ali. (2018). Context, capacity, and transformation. (UBC).
  • Ali, Abdikhafar & Olow,Mohamud. (2018). Education in Dadaab: Special focus on girls’ education. (UBC).
  • Chemeli, Janeth. (2018). Teachers’ utilization of formative assessment strategies (Moi University).
  • Dahya, Negin. (2018). A socio-technical approach to refugee education: Connected networks and ICT in Kenyan Refugee Camps. (U. of Washington).
  • Hussein, Ahmed & Muse, Abdihadin. (2018). Dadaab teacher education: The impact (UBC).
  • Hussein, Ali. (2018). “Sorry for my Sadness”: Reflections of experiences in Dadaab Refugee Camps. (UBC).
  • Karangu, Philip & Ahmed, Ibrahim. (2018). Beyond odds: Success stories from Dadaab Camps. (UBC).
  • Khamasi, Wanjiku. (2018). Imagining a significant future in refugee education: A lesson from an incomplete story. (Dedan Kimathi University of Technology, Kenya).
  • Kiposi, Emmy. (2018). Training teachers in Dadaab: Reflections (Moi University).
  • Miller, Lorrie (2018). Rebuilding hope: Teachers as agents of change. (UBC).
  • Nashon, Samson. (2018). A North-South university collaboration on refugee education: Teacher education in Dadaab Refugee Camp complex. (UBC).
  • Njogu, Marangu. (2018). Reflections on Dadaab refugee education and its significance. (Windle Trust Kenya).
  • Yarow, Hassan & Mohamed, Suleiman. (2018). Far reaching impacts of emergency education in Dadaab Refugee Camps. (UBC).
  • Miller, L. & Nicol, Cynthia. (2018). Teacher education in refuge environments: A multi-institutional collaborative approach to teacher education in Dadaab Refugee Camps, Kenya. Presentation at the World Federation of Associations of Teacher Education, Biennial Conference, Melbourne Australia.